Open a window in space and watch the stars. A piece that was in the making for some time and came to life in various ways. With this piece I have learned what mediums I enjoy more and what skills to work on for better results. The inspiration for this piece came from listening to David Bowie’s “Starman”. An amazing song that sparked this particular idea in my mind, being able to be so close the the stars above us.

The first version of this illustration was created with coloured pencils only. First came the pink, purple and blue nuances in the background to give the cosmical feel, over which a indigo layer was added to bring everything together. The window of the girl was kept a bright yellow to show the warm lighting coming from the earthly world, in contrast to the outer space. Lastly, but not the least, the shooting stars were kept as a white space and drawn around them, in order to keep them as visible as possible.

The following version of the illustration was created by using only black ink. I always had a soft spot for black and white illustrations and was curious to find out how it would com out using this medium only. Open a window in space and watch the stars. A piece that was in the making for some time and came to life in various ways. With this piece I have learned what mediums I enjoy more and what skills to work on for better results.

The last version of this illustration was made by using mixed media, watercolours, coloured pencils and gouache. This technique was something I wanted to try out for some time and the concept was a good opportunity to put the technique in practice. There is space for improvement, however it was a good starting point for the journey of trying new materials.


It all started from one song and one small drawing in the sketchbook. After that it became a research project about different mediums. Learning more about how the mediums work and how they affect each other. Below there are a few images from behind the scenes.

The clean lineart on which all versions of the illustrations were based on.

A few colour palettes and trials of each medium on the chosen paper.

Last but not least, a short animation on loop, where all versions of the illustration can be seen.


